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How to Determine the Value of Your Used Massage Chair

how much is your massage chair worth

Looking to Upgrade? Or Curious How Much Your Current Chair Is Worth?

Do you have a massage chair that served you well, but you're looking to check out the latest technology and the newest chairs? We'd love to help you with that.

When you own a working massage chair that you'd like to trade-in, we can tell you the value of that massage chair so that you can use that toward the purchase of a new massage chair that offers the newer features you're looking for.

After you’ve had your massage chair for many years, you might decide it is time to upgrade. Once you decide that you want a new chair with more advanced features, you may be asking yourself "What should I do with the old massage chair? How can I get rid of it or recycle it?"

We're here to answer your questions. We're providing you with the chance to look at the value of your massage chair for the trade-in program, which has been established to allow you to trade in your old or outdated massage chair and use the credit towards a new massage chair purchase.

The process is very simple. As with all trade-in programs, the newer the chair, the better your credit will be. Don’t let that scare you off from trying to trade in an older massage chair, however. All chairs will be considered for the trade-in program and can save you money on a new chair.

How Does This Work?

It's easy! Just use our online form to instantly receive feedback on your massage chair's value. This could be a great benefit if you have found a less expensive, less feature-rich chair or have an older chair that you're looking to get rid of. This makes it the perfect time to upgrade and access the inherent value of your current massage chair.

Think of it like this:

tell us about your chair

Tell Us About Your Massage Chair

 Tell us your massage chair's specific features, the model's details, and the current condition.

get your instant offer

Get a Cash Offer

Find out what you can get for your massage chair today. Offers are good for three business days.


Get Your Trade-In Credit

Get the value of your current chair and apply it to your purchase of a new model.



Enjoy Your New Massage Chair

Get your massage chair delivered and start enjoying the incredible benefits of modern massage chairs every day. Your body will thank you.

A Unique Offer

We have created a system where any and all massage chairs have a store credit value, even if the chair is broken or not functional. This way, you can get back to enjoying a massage chair if yours is no longer in commission. 

We are probably the only ones that are giving you the option to trade in your used massage chair. Are you ready to own a massage chair that is packed with the newest innovative technology on the market? Check out the form right now and get the process started!

What Do You Have to Lose?

Regardless of where you're at financially or how little you think your chair may be worth, we have a solution to get you in a top-quality chair. With our attractive 0% interest financing and bad-credit financing options, as well as this robust trade-in program, you'll be in the chair of your dreams in no time. Ultimate relaxation doesn't have to be out of reach.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to us over the phone or through email. We're happy to answer your questions or help you fill out the form if you're not quite sure what to put in a certain field.