
Luraco i7 Massage Chair Health Benefits
*Please note that this massage chair has been discontinued. Shop available Lurcao Massage Chairs.
The Luraco iRobotics i7 massage chair has some very important features. The Luraco iRobotics i7 massage chair is the only massage chair we carry that is UL approved and complies with UL1647, as well as FDA and CE standards. Many chairs claim health benefits for massage therapy. Not many of those chairs having anything to back up their claims. Luraco has gone the extra mile to show that this chair is a full benefit to your health and to massage therapy.
The Luraco i7 has an optional Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Monitor uses patented integrated health monitoring features to keep track of your personal metrics. This is a very important feature for those that are using the chair for medical reasons. The blood pressure and heart rate monitor does come at an additional cost. Luraco iRobotics i7 massage chair is the only massage chair is UL approved and complies with UL1647, as well as FDA and CE standards. This is a very important feature. Many chairs claim health benefits for massage therapy. Not many of those chairs having anything to back up their claims. Luraco has gone the extra mile to show that this chair is a full benefit to your health and to massage therapy.